HOA Curbside Slash Chipping Program: June 29th, 2015.  The HOA Board is building on the success of last year’s event where we saw 63 out of our 95 property owners participate and remove over 1700 cubic yards of slash from the neighborhood.  Our Curbside Slash Chipping Program is designed to help you maximize your efforts mitigating your property, reducing the time and energy spent dealing with the slash.  Invest your time into clearing out trees and brush in your defensible space zone 1, limbing trees in zones 2 and 3, clearing out beetle kill and dead trees, and then just drag the slash and brush to the curb.  Phil and Jane Pitzer from High Timber Firewood and Logging will chip and haul the slash and brush from there.  There is no additional cost to participate in this program.  The HOA was again awarded a grant this year from Boulder County Forest Health in the amount of $4000 through their Community Chipping Reimbursement Program.  This is a 50/50 matching grant.  In lieu of using general funds this year our HOA will contribute an in-kind match of 160 volunteer hours during our Community Workdays.  For additional information, program rules, and pictures of how (and how not to) stage your slash, please visit our page about the HOA Curbside Slash Chipping Program.

Our Annual HOA Community Workday/Saws and Slaws Event will be held on Saturday, May 30th from 8AM – Noon followed by a potluck BBQ. We will be helping 8 HOA members with wildfire/forest health mitigation work around their homes. We need volunteers to drop trees, drag slash to the roadside for chipping, rake pine needles away from the homes we are mitigating at, and help with the BBQ. A reminder that anyone operating a chain saw at the event must have completed the Saws and Slaws Sawyer Class or been otherwise sawyer certified. This is a GREAT opportunity to do some great work, get to know your neighbors, and contribute to the overall wildfire safety in our neighborhood. See the HOA Community Workdays Page for more details. Please email Marc at sahfahoa@gmail.com if you can volunteer.

The Summer Road will be CLOSED on Monday and Tuesday next week, May 4th and 5th from 8AM until 5PM, to do the planned rehabilitation to the lower section of the roadway and add new material to the rest of the road as needed.  The SR will be closed to all traffic both days to accommodate delivery of 16 loads of material and the all of heavy equipment Mark will have on the road. Please respect the road closed signs and do not attempt to use the road on those days.

The HOA’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 5th at 7 PM at the Nederland Library.  Please consider volunteering for the Board.  In particular, we are in need of a secretary, as Marylou is selling her house.  I will be stepping down in 2016 and we will need a new president then.  It would be great if someone would join the Board this year as a director that could move into the president position next year.