The Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday May 14th , 2019, at 7 PM in the meeting room of the Nederland Community Library (https://nederland.colibraries.
We hope to see you there!
The minutes from the St Anton Highlands First Addition Home Owners Association’s annual meeting on May 8th, 2017 are now available on the Annual Meeting Minutes Page.
HOA Director Jamie Carpenter has secured a grant from Boulder County Forest Health through their Community Chipping Reimbursement Program to help offset the cost of the curbside chipping program. This is tentatively scheduled for Monday, June 12th. Phil and Jane Pitzer from High Timber Firewood and Logging will once again be the contractors to complete the chipping. For additional information, program rules, and pictures of how (and how not to) stage your slash, please visit our page about the HOA Curbside Slash Chipping Program. This program has been a resounding success in our community over the past several years. Your participation is encouraged and appreciated!
Our Annual HOA Community Workday/Saws and Slaws Event will be held on Saturday, May 27th from 8AM – Noon followed by a potluck BBQ. We will be helping HOA members with wildfire/forest health mitigation work around their homes. We need volunteers to drop trees, drag slash to the roadside for chipping, rake pine needles away from the homes we are mitigating at, and help with the BBQ. A reminder that anyone operating a chain saw at the event must have completed the Saws and Slaws Sawyer Class or been otherwise sawyer certified. This is a GREAT opportunity to do some great work, get to know your neighbors, and contribute to the overall wildfire safety in our neighborhood. See the HOA Community Workdays Page for more details. Please email Marc at if you can volunteer.