HOA Community Workdays
Our Community Workday is confirmed for Saturday June 8th . We are going to do it a little differently this year. Our plan is to do all the tree felling and limbing in the week prior to the event and focus on hauling slash during the workday. We will be having a BBQ / potluck at noon as in the past. If you would like help with fire mitigation on your property or can volunteer as a sawyer before the event or hauling slash on the day of the event please send an email to sahfahoa@gmail.com. We are also looking for a someone to host the BBQ.
This is a great opportunity to safely help our neighbors get some valuable fire mitigation work completed, improve the health of our forest, and make our neighborhood safer! S-212 or Saws n Slaws certification is required for sawyers. Sayers and Assistant Sayers will all be required to have the proper minimum safety gear: helmet, ear and eye protection, gloves, chaps, and sturdy boots. Swampers are requested to have: gloves and long pants and long sleeve shirt, andrecommended to have: helmet, ear and eye protection.
Properties will be selected on a first come/first serve basis unless the workload is beyond our capacity. This event can be a GREAT way to get started on your Wildfire Partners Certification! For more information on this great program please check out wildfirepartners.org. This is a unique grassroots event that relies on participation from neighbors to help neighbors, let’s keep this event going strong!