HOA Curbside Slash Chipping Program – June 30th, 2014
HOA Curbside Slash Chipping Program: June 30th, 2014. Back by popular demand! We are pleased to announce that the Curbside Slash Chipping Program is confirmed for the end of June. The HOA Board is building on the success of last year’s event where we saw 63 out of our 95 property owners participate and removed over 2060 cubic yards of slash from the neighborhood. Our Curbside Slash Chipping Program is designed to help you maximize your efforts mitigating your property and minimizing the time and energy spent dealing with the slash. Invest your time into clearing out trees and brush in your defensible space zone, limbing up trees in Zones 2 and 3, clearing out beetle kill and dead trees, and then just get the slash and brush to the curb. Phil and Jane Pitzer from High Timber Firewood and Logging will chip and haul the slash and brush from there. There is no additional cost to participate in this program The HOA was awarded a grant again this year from Boulder County Forest Health in the amount of $6000 through their Community Chipping Reimbursement Program. This is a 50/50 matching grant. In lieu of using general funds this year our HOA will contribute in-kind match of 270 volunteer hours during our Community Workdays. For additional information and program rules, please visit our page about the HOA Curbside Slash Chipping Program.