Contractors working for the HOA

The HOA relies on the following local contractors for their expert advice and services maintaining our roadways and forest.  Without exception, each of these people has showed up when we needed them most and performed their work in exemplary fashion.  We are grateful for their efforts on our behalf.  Please give them a wave and a “thanks” when you see them in the neighborhood.  We also highly recommend them for your snow plowing, driveway grading, excavating, forestry, and firewood needs.


Jim LathamMountian Service and Repair, 303-258-1212

Backroads maintenance

Backroads snow plowing


Don MillerMountain Dirt Works, 303-819-2118

Driveway plowing


Phil and Jane PitzerHigh Timber Firewood and Logging, 303-258-7942

Chips and hauls slash for the HOA Curbside Chipping Program

Leads the Chainsaw Safety Workshop (donated time)


Len ColeLen’s Excavating, 303-258-3689

Big storm backroads snow removal – Front Loader


Chris HartmanStarr Peak Surveying, 303-642-0810

Donated his time to identify HOA Road Easements for Backroad Emergency Egress Project 2013